Two day Trip to Adelaide from sydney

Author : John Michael
Posted On : 06/08/2011
Views : 964

Destinations : Adelaide

Adelaide is most beautiful city of world. Adelaide is capital city of South Australia and one of the planned city of world. Around One Million people live there in peaceful environment. Adelaide is fourth biggest city of Australia.

Its been like home to office and office to home on the busy street of Sydney. So that i researched a lot about a place which is not too busy and after consulting some of mine closed friends i decided to go to the Adelaide known as the capital of South Australia. A close friend of mine Ni co who had been to that place recently told me that there are plenty of attractions in Adelaide from the Glenelg beach to the historical monuments and from National Parks to Casinos. He suggested some of the best places for families and children include the Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary, which offers guided day and night tours.

That is all i was looking for but this time i was really excited as my family is not accompanying. On Tuesday evening when i reached home i called a close friend of mine (Annie), initially she refused to go but i managed to pursue her to get ready.
I told her to pack her luggage before Saturday morning, as we have to board a plane at sharp 9:15 in the morning on Saturday. On Friday evening i went to Annie's home to check whether she has done all the packing or not. Before i stepped in i found my phone is ringing and fortunately it was Annie she told me that she had done all the packing and will meet me at terminal-2 (T-2) of Sydney airport. When i knock the door she was really surprised to see me there as we are still talking on our Mobil phones and i have not told her that i am outside her house.

We talked about the place, also she asked me from where i got the idea to visit Adelaide. I revealed her the whole situation,
she offered a tea to me, we enjoyed tea and gossip with her parents about our trip to Adelaide. I came back home had my dinner and went to bed as i have done all the packing earlier. I wake up at 7 Am as airport is only a 20 minutes away from my home i was really happy to see Annie at airport as this time she is on time. We both are at airport well in time and as i remember at around 9:35 our plane take off and we land in Adelaide at 11:45 AM . We had our breakfast in plane so we decided to go to the St George's Church and hire a guide from there who can tell us about the place. We hire a taxi from Adelaide airport to St. George’s church. We hire a guide for (50 $), he agreed to show us all places that are worth visit in Adelaide. We asked the guide about the history of the city. He told us that Adelaide is the fifth largest city of Australia and the capital of the state of South Australia. Located on the coast of the Southern Ocean, this famous city was named after the Queen of Adelaide.

St. George's Church

He told us that St. George's Church is one of the most famous historical structure of the city. It consists of the main church and a cemetery. This structure was built in the year 1848 on the land that was gifted by a gentleman named Captain John Fin-lay Duff. Almost 160 years old, this fabulous church is one of the symbols of Australia's colonial past. He also suggested that the North Adelaide is famous for churches. We clicked some photos there .He told us that today we must see the various churches. Then he take us to Brougham Uniting Church . The architecture of the church was really very fascinating. By the time we could see more churches both of are feeling very hungry. The first idea which came to my mind to ask our guide for nearest food court. He took us to the place and offered us Barossa cheese and Bienenstich along with variety of vineyards for which the city is quite famous.

Uniting church

By 6'o clock we have been to various churches and feeling very tired so decided to take rest and from there we directly went to our hotel where we are staying. After coming back from Uniting church i took a shower and went downstairs to the reception area and had some chat with the local guy. In the evening our guide told us that we should try local cuisine with the wine. We really enjoyed the food and after having our dinner we planned about tomorrow with the guide, he told us that morning is the best time to visit botanical garden and then do the Zoo and in the evening we can go the beach to relax. We say good night to each other and went to our rooms .

Botanical garden

By the morning all of three are ready at 9:00 Am to go to the North terrace, Adelaide . It was half an hour drive from hotel to the garden. We reached there at 9:35 garden include the, the Class ground, the International Rose Garden and National Rose Trial Garden, the Eremophilia Garden, the Cactus and Succulent Garden, and cycled and palm displays

. When we reached we came to see variety of plants most of them i have never seen in my life. Our guide told us that that garden consists of Adelaide's Bicentennial Conservatory , Palm House. The consists of the large area and we spend almost two hours there as the Zoo is adjacent to the garden so we decided to take lunch first and then go to the Zoo. After having our lunch we went to the zoo.

Adelaide Zoo

Our guide told us that Adelaide Zoo is Australia's second oldest zoo, and the only major metropolitan zoo in Australia to be owned and operated on a non-profit basis. It is located in the park lands just north of the city center of Adelaide, South Australia. He told us that the zoo houses about 300 native and exotic species, with over 1,800 animals. We clicked photos with the animals. Annie was very excited as she had never seen even National animal Kangaroo. She also feed them with bananas and in turn they accept that gently.


At 4:00 pm we reached Glenelg. We saw many people there, playing water sports, enjoying sailing and fishing. Some people were enjoying food there. We can also see inspectors and lifesavers doing their duties there and guiding peoples.
One family was enjoying the cricket there and when ball come towards Annie and when she returns the ball back to them, they asked her to join if she wish. I also asked them and they all agreed. We spent good 2-3 hours enjoying on the beach.
As at 10:00 pm we have to take our flight back to Sydney so we decided to skip to go to the central market. We said thanks to our guide for giving us the in depth information about the places, we have visited so far, cleared all his dues and took a cab back to Airport. At 12:30 AM in the morning we reached Adelaide. From Airport, we hired a cab to our homes. It was really one of mine best outing after a long time.

Tags : Sydney Tour, George church, Glenelg, Botanic Gardens, Adelaide Zoo

7/27/2024 9:05:25 AM
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