City Facts
Cordinates : 40.42 , -3.71 Country: Spain
Continent: Europe
ElectricPlugTypes : C / F
Population : 3332646

Madrid Travel Guide

How to get there

By Air

Airports near Madrid

  • Cuatro Vientos Airport is 8 kilometers away from Madrid.
  • Getafe Air Base is 14 kilometers away from Madrid.
  • Madrid Barajas International Airport is 15 kilometers away from Madrid.
  • Torrejón Airport is 24 kilometers away from Madrid.
  • Casarrubios Del Monte Airport is 34 kilometers away from Madrid.

Madrid Travel Reports

Vibrant Madrid
Author:  Rajat | 08/10/2011 | 371
Madrid is capital of Spain. It is also world capital of bullfighting. Madrid is famous for bars and cafes . Tourist are like Madrid to span some time of life here. It is beautiful place.......

All the information shared on this page has been submitted by Tourists who visited Madrid, Citizens of Madrid and Students studying in Madrid. We appreciate and thank all these contributors for their help. Information provided by you is very valuable for a person who is planing a first time Trip to a tourist place. Please keep posting

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